Welcome! My Real Bio

Hello to everyone reading this; I very much appreciate it. Welcome to my web site and this blog. You’ve probably guessed that this enterprise is very much a one-person operation. Yes, my bio is written in the third person (why do we insist on doing this?) and I’m the one who wrote it. 

Leave that dry recitation behind. Here’s my real, personal bio. 

My earliest memories are musical. I remember listening to my parents’ records when I was three or four. I took piano lessons at five, picked up my dad’s guitar at eight and never looked back. 

Did the garage band thing growing up, as well as playing in my high school big band. I got a journalism degree in college but I still played music (more big band with my university’s jazz ensemble and a cover band that played on weekends). 

After college, with the exception of touring the midwest with a show band for a year, I never directly made my living through music. (I put myself through a ton of angst about this until I read Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground, 1981–1991, in which I learned that a lot of great bands had the same difficulty, even with critical and popular success.) 

However, I’ve been fortunate to be able to work in and around music for much of my career. I did record company PR. Edited a magazine for recording engineers. I helped market venues. Booked bands and produced concerts. I’m a card-carrying member of IATSE, the stagehands union (full name: the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada — that’s why we say IATSE or IA). 

And I’ve always played, in cover bands and as a performing songwriter. My current project is my favorite: a duo with Laura Lisbeth, the best singer and songwriter that I know. Because of COVID-19 our public performances are rare, but we do a show on Facebook Live every two weeks. 

There’s more, much more, and I hope you stay with this and check in from time to time. 

Again, thanks and welcome.